SCoDis gives lectures for Russian Science Foundation

On Friday 27 September, the All-Russian Course of lectures ‘10 Years with the Russian Science Foundation’ came to an end. Young scientists of MSLU, researches of the SCoDis Centre, told about their works within the framework of projects supported by grants of the Russian Science Foundation. The event was opened by Olga Kamaludinovna Iriskhanova, Vice-Rector

SCodis & State University of Southwest Bahia

Postgraduate students André Lisboa and Beatriz Graça from the State University of Southwest Bahia (Brazil) spent four months in Moscow, where they were interning at the Centre for Sociocognitive Discourse Studies (SCoDis) at the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) under the guidance of the Centre’s Director, Dr. Olga Kamaludinovna Iriskhanova. The researchers of SCoDis shared