On the 19th and 20th of May 2016 the International conference “Events in Communication and Cognition” was organized at Moscow State Linguistic University. Prominent scholars from different areas of research – cognitive linguistics, theory of events, linguistic typology, computational linguistics, multimodal studies of communication, were among the keynote speakers. The conference was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant №14-48-00067).

Information letter.docx

An afterthought of the Conference at MSLU “Events in Cognition and Communication”:

I have some creepy darkish moments
Unable to define EVENTs:
The good from bad and bad from good –
That depends on human’s mood?
Thus, whatever’s your comment,
THIS was certainly EVENT!
And despite all the commotion,
Set us certainly in motion…
What is clear: we need pester
Speech event and co-speech gesture.
These are clues and these are tips
When a word takes off the lips!
                                       E. Golubkova