From 15 to 17 July, the XII All-Russian Congress of SMU (Council of Young Scientists) and SNO (Student Scientific Societies) was held at the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok. The key objectives of the congress were the implementation of initiatives of the Decade of Science and Technology, development of formats for interaction between young scientists to solve problems of science, business, and the region, as well as the development of supra-professional skills of young scientists, attracting talented young people in the field of technological development and discussion of issues related to measures to implement the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia.

The Council of Young Scientists of Moscow State Linguistic University was represented by Alexandra Tambovtseva, junior researcher at the Centre for Socio-Cognitive Studies of Discourse at MSLU, Deputy Chair of MSLU SMU, and Gerda Prutko, junior researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitive Studies of Communication Fundamentals at MSLU, spokesperson of MSLU SMU.

‘It was the first time I participated in the congress of young scientists and student scientific societies. There are a lot of impressions, the emotions are extremely positive. We managed to communicate with the high guests of the congress – Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Denis Sekirinsky and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Science and Higher Education Alexander Majuga (and even to take a small interview). 

The participants actively asked questions at the sessions and shared their opinions and contacts – the atmosphere of co-operation created was very inspiring. Personally, I was delighted with the strategic session on a common scientific space, where speakers shared their experience of creating Young Scientists‘ and Specialists’ Councils in their scientific and technical organisations, as well as strategies for their development. We were also lucky enough to take part in designing the programme for the future Congress of Young Scientists, which this year will be combined with the BRICS Young Scientists Forum. We are very hopeful that the organisers will be able to implement all the proposals made by the participants – the young scientists, as always, were full of ideas and creativity,’ said Alexandra Tambovtseva.