Why is it important to learn a language all your life? How does it affect our health and formation of the world picture? What does linguistics study today and what are its directions?

On May 19, visitors to the ATOM pavilion together with Anna Leontieva and Olga Agafonova of the Center for Sociocognitive Discourse Studies at Moscow State Linguistic University will discuss what might have come first – consciousness or language. During the lecture, the speakers will talk about the latest trends and new directions in linguistics.

The lecturers will analyze what language is: is it just words or is it something more? And how it shapes modern communication, including in the context of Internet communication. And after the lecture the audience will be able to discuss what they have heard with Anna Leontieva and Olga Agafonova.


Anna Leontieva – PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher at the Center for Socio-Cognitive Discourse Studies at MSLU (SKoDis), Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Multichannel Communication at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Olga Agafonova – junior researcher at the Center for Sociocognitive Discourse Studies at MSLU (SCoDis), junior researcher at the Laboratory of Multichannel Communication of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

To attend the lecture, it is necessary to register at the website of the pavilion and additionally at the website of the Russian Society “Znanie”. Please save the QR code you received when registering at the site of “Znanie”. It will be necessary to show it at the entrance to the event. The lecture will start at 13:05. Please do not be late.