Congratulations to Vadim Potekhin, 2nd year PhD student, who became a recipient of the postgraduate scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation!

Vadim Potekhin is a 2nd year postgraduate student, specialty 5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics, scientific supervisor Maria Ivanovna Kiose, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, senior researcher in ScoDis.


“I received the news about the appointment of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation at the most epic moment: to the music of Rachmaninoff in a concert hall. Not believing my eyes, I reread several times the message from my supervisor, Maria Ivanovna Kiose. It turned out to be that rare case when I forgot to set my phone to “do not disturb” mode, so to the catharsis of art was added another, perhaps less obvious – from scientific activity. At intermission I immediately called Maria Ivanovna with words of gratitude. Of course, this achievement would have been unthinkable without the professional mentorship of my scientific director. The biggest difficulty, which at the beginning of this path undermined to some extent the belief in the compliance of our research with the criteria for the implementation of the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, was the pronounced humanitarian focus of our work against the background of a predominantly technical agenda of the fellowship. The key to our success was the interdisciplinary (and, in our case, multimodal) approach used in our work, which once again proves the increasing relevance of research conducted at the intersection of linguistics, psychology, and cognitive sciences. I am sincerely grateful to the University for the opportunity to implement our polymodal experiment on the material and technical base of the SCoDis Center”, commented the scholarship holder on the news.